Literacy, Numeracy, Science

Subjects covered Activities Resources Differentiation


  • Storytelling: Have each student share a short story about themselves.
  • Name recognition: Create name cards for each student and have them practice identifying and writing their names.
  • Letter recognition: Use flashcards or interactive games to help students recognize and name letters of the alphabet.
  • Emergent writing: Provide opportunities for students to practice writing their names and simple words.
  • Storybooks
  • Flashcards
  • Name cards
  • Pencils and paper
  • Provide additional support and guidance for students who may struggle with letter recognition or emergent writing.
  • Offer extension activities for students who are more advanced in literacy skills.


  • Counting objects: Have students count and sort various classroom objects.
  • Number recognition: Use number flashcards or interactive games to help students recognize and name numbers.
  • Number formation: Provide opportunities for students to practice writing numbers.
  • Patterning: Introduce simple patterns and have students continue the pattern.
  • Counting objects (e.g. blocks, counters)
  • Number flashcards
  • Pencils and paper
  • Patterning materials (e.g. colored blocks, stickers)
  • Offer additional support and repetition for students who may struggle with counting or number recognition.
  • Provide challenge activities for students who are more advanced in numeracy skills.


  • Body exploration: Engage students in activities that promote understanding of their body parts and senses.
  • Observation skills: Encourage students to observe and describe objects using their senses.
  • Living and non-living: Introduce the concept of living and non-living things and have students categorize examples.
  • Seasons: Discuss the different seasons and explore the changes that occur.
  • Books about the human body and senses
  • Objects for observation (e.g. fruits, leaves)
  • Picture cards for living and non-living things
  • Visuals or books about seasons
  • Provide hands-on activities and visuals to support understanding for all students.
  • Encourage students to ask questions and explore further based on their interests.

Arts Subjects

Subjects covered Activities Resources Differentiation

Visual Arts

  • Create a self-portrait using various art materials
  • Design and decorate a name tag
  • Collage a class friendship tree
  • Paints, crayons, markers, and paper
  • Cardboard, scissors, and glue
  • Magazines, scissors, glue, and large paper
  • Provide different art materials based on students' abilities and preferences
  • Offer support and guidance during the creative process
  • Encourage students to use their imagination and explore different techniques


  • Sing and learn a "Getting to Know You" song
  • Create a class rhythm with body percussion
  • Listen and respond to different genres of music
  • Lyrics and melody of the chosen song
  • No resources needed
  • Various recorded music samples
  • Provide visual aids for the song lyrics
  • Encourage students to create their own rhythms
  • Offer a variety of music genres to cater to different interests


  • Role-play different "getting to know you" scenarios
  • Act out simple stories about making friends
  • Improvise greetings and introductions
  • No resources needed
  • Storybooks
  • No resources needed
  • Provide props and costumes for role-playing
  • Adapt stories to suit students' abilities
  • Offer support and encouragement during improvisation activities


  • Learn a simple "getting to know you" dance routine
  • Create movements to represent different emotions
  • Participate in a class circle dance
  • No resources needed
  • No resources needed
  • No resources needed
  • Break down the dance routine into manageable steps
  • Encourage students to express themselves through movement
  • Provide visual cues and guidance during the circle dance

Station Ideas


Getting to Know You Stations

  • Station 1: Name Tag Making
  • Station 2: All About Me Collage
  • Station 3: Memory Game with Classmates' Names
  • Station 4: Family Portrait Drawing
  • Station 5: My Favorite Things Chart
  • Station 6: Friendship Bracelet Making
  • Station 7: Guess Who? Photo Matching Game
  • Station 8: Interview a Classmate
  • Station 9: Classmate Bingo
  • Station 10: My Feelings Chart

Story Time

Once upon a time, in a little village, there was a school called Sunny Days Primary School. In this school, there was a teacher named Miss Lily, and she loved her students very much. Miss Lily enjoyed getting to know each and every one of her students, and she wanted them to become friends with each other too.

One sunny morning, Miss Lily gathered all her students in a circle on the classroom rug. She smiled and said, "Today, we are going to play a game called 'Getting to Know You.' This game will help us learn more about each other and become good friends."

The children clapped their hands in excitement. They were eager to learn more about their classmates.

The first child to introduce themselves was a little girl named Emma. She had bright red hair and a big smile. "My name is Emma," she said, "and I love to draw and paint."

The next child was a boy named Ethan. He had curly brown hair and glasses. "Hi, my name is Ethan," he said, "and I like to build with blocks and solve puzzles."

One by one, the children took turns introducing themselves. There was Sofia, who loved to read books, and Max, who enjoyed playing soccer. There was also Ava, who liked to sing and dance, and Noah, who loved animals.

As the children shared their hobbies and interests, they realized they had many things in common. They started to talk and ask each other questions. They laughed and smiled, feeling happy to have new friends.

Miss Lily was delighted to see her students getting to know each other. She praised them for being kind and friendly. "Remember," she said, "we are all unique and special in our own way. By getting to know each other, we can discover new things and make wonderful memories together."

The children nodded and agreed with Miss Lily. They were excited to continue their journey of friendship.

From that day forward, the children at Sunny Days Primary School became the best of friends. They played together, learned together, and helped each other. They celebrated birthdays, shared snacks, and even had picnics in the playground.

At the end of the school year, Miss Lily looked back at all the memories they had made. She was proud of her students for embracing the value of getting to know each other.

And so, the story of friendship and getting to know you continued at Sunny Days Primary School, where every day was filled with laughter, joy, and the warmth of friendship.